The Samueli School of Engineering offers undergraduate degrees in a wide range of traditional and emerging fields. All engineering programs combine science, engineering fundamentals, design principles and application, and a culminating design experience. Students are encouraged to participate in research and hands-on engineering design opportunities to develop the practical skills needed for graduate study or employment. The school currently offers 12 majors and two minors.
The first year of study for each engineering major is similar, designed to allow exploration of the foundations of engineering and selection of a program that best fits each student's individual interests. First year students can apply to change through the My Admissions website prior to June 1 or at the end of their first year upon completion of “Change of Major” requirements. Undeclared Engineering students can change their major within the School at any time in their first year if they have a 3.0 GPA. Undecided students can enroll in a freshman seminar course titled "Engr 7 A/B: Introduction to Engineering," which provides an introduction to each of the engineering disciplines, first year engineering students can enroll in this course to count as a Tech Elective. Students maintaining a 3.0 GPA can choose to pursue more than one major at the end of their second year- including majors offered outside of engineering.